Daily Archives: March 30, 2011

Newsflash: Sharia Law Not Allowed in Alaska Courts But Still Not Banned

So… the liberals in Alaska’s are fighting for Sharia law in Alaska.  What! I know, right. Those republicans should have a slam dunk, we need state laws that say that other countries laws cannot supersede the rights in the United States Constitution. Yup, the Constitution is so weak that we need states to help make sure it’s enforced.  Hey! Thanks states! Normally, all Alaska does is talk about how ignorant and stupid the feds are… but today Alaska has your back.

I love this guys logic. I love it:

Gatto [fellow pushing anti-sharia law] said he grew up in New York City, where his Italian neighborhood clung to technically illegal customs like giving a child whiskey to help with illness. But the world of other immigrants is different, he argued.

I suspect Gatto’s mother put too much whiskey in the bottle. (Not that there is anything wrong with that – they are from the right kind of immigrant.)

Welcome to Alaska folks, welcome to a brain burn.



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