Daily Archives: March 31, 2011

Awesome Brian Wilson Wants YOU to vote for Tyke Jones’ Beard

So, Brian Wilson, is the heavenly closing pitcher for the WORLD SERIES champions the San Francisco GIANTS.


Brian is known for many things, and one is his beard. He even created a contest for other beardos – a bracket tournament for best beard.

And one drunken, lonely, stormy night my good friend Tyke Jones submit a photo of himself and his beard for Brian’s contest. Then he promptly forgot about the contest until he received an email yesterday. HE IS IN. AND HE IS IN TO WIN (now that he remembers he entered it). So, please vote. Make something good come from his facial hair.

Tyke is hungry for it, he running to it, and he is growing it.

Hungry for it

He is running toward it

So for gods sake, go vote for him.  http://brianwilson38.com/2011/03/beardmadness/

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And it’s snowing…. again

It’s the last day of March, and I fully expected the snow on St. Patrick’s Day to be the last. Holy snowballs I was wrong.

It was a light dusting when I woke up and now it is snowflakes the size of my fist...

It’s starting to become questionable if it will ever stop.

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